Wheelchair Thoughts

After years of shunning the wheelchair, it's time to revamp my wheels. I have become so isolated because my energy is so low that to meet friends for a drink is impossible, simply getting to the pub takes all my energy. I am struggling to accept the help I've got, it's not so black and white as just sitting in a wheelchair. It impacts your whole identity, it's hard to accept that you aren't recovering and reminds you that not everybody gets to grow out of their illnesses. Nonetheless, I need to start finding ways around these problems and forge a life that straddles both the able and disabled worlds.

The first challenge I'm setting my wheelchair is to enable me to go on walks with friends and family. This is going to require a FreeWheel. A FreeWheel is an extra wheel that attaches to the front of your wheelchair, lifting the front castors of the floor so you can go over bumps, mud and other obstacles it would be hard to get over otherwise. This has turned out to not be as easy as I'd hoped, lots of measuring and planning required, but we are getting there!

The next challenge is for myself, I need to feel secure in using my chair, it will probably sound ridiculous to those of you who aren't wheelchair users but leaving the house in a wheelchair is scary. For me a serious consideration is how anxious I'm feeling, I can walk, go upstairs and lift my own wheelchair into the car This means that people stare a lot when I can 'miraculously'stand up to reach something or get somewhere not wheelchair accessible. It's also quite daunting using a Blue Badge without a visible disability, I feel like I have to limp away from my car, dramatically dragging my leg behind me so that I 'look disabled'! I think that people forget you don't have to be paralysed to use a wheelchair, there are so many other valid reasons.

Another adaptation I'm hoping to make to my wheelchair is to get some kind of power pack. With my fatigue I can't go anywhere on my own in the chair, which as a previously very independent 19 year old is very frustrating. A power pack would enable me to become a lot more independent, something I'm striving for since I can't live at home forever! There are some pretty cool powered chair adaptations out there, from smart drives to powered wheel replacements. Unfortunately, they are very expensive. My current plan is to bat my eyelashes at the NHS wheelchair specialist and bribe them with chocolates and gifts. Failing that I'll have to seek help from charities or do some serious fund raising! If only a sponsored sleep would work, I'd be raking in the donations. Perhaps a game of guess the shade of purple my foot currently is! Please feel free to offer alternatives (if you can think of anything better).

I'm terrified excited to start this next chapter, creating an accessible life will enable me to get back to living life, aka spending hours in Hobbycraft with Mama while my Dad stands outside slowly merging into the wall, feebly asking if he can go home yet. (Not yet we haven't even reached the wool aisle yet). 


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