Essentially a Pet Dog

Have you ever wondered what your pets do when you leave them home alone all day? I can now
offer an exclusive insight into this common query, having essentially become a pet dog myself. I
can reveal that they do infact do... nothing. You are probably thinking that it’s impossible to do nothing
all day, surely they get into some mischief or trouble when you aren’t home. But no, they really don’t!  
You see it’s incredible how little time you seem to have to do things when you sleep 18 hours a day!

With your 6 hours of consciousness you spend 1 hour a day eating or prepping food, 2 hours trying
(and failing) to get out of bed and 2 hours chatting to or recieving cuddles from your family. That only
leaves 1 hour free for other important bussiness such as going outside or wondering about the house.
(This has been my experience anyway!)

If only I could get rid of the fatigue, pain and nausea this would be a pretty charmed life. I get to nap
a lot, get plenty of cuddles and even a weekend walk!

Speaking of walks, my freewheel arrived a few days ago! Sunday was its first outing and I have not
felt so free for a very long time. We had a fabulous 1 hour walk along the canal, watching all the
houseboats and breathing some lovely fresh air. The wheel worked really well, enabling me to go
over really rough terrain and huge, muddy puddles.

Since the free wheel worked so well my dad decided to pimp the wheelchair even more! I’m now the
proud owner of not only a freewheel but also 2 pneumatic off-road tires! It looks quite funny when all
the off roading stuff is on the chair, like I’ve dressed it up as a tank, ready to climb over anyone who
doesn’t get out of my way quick enough!

Macro Photography of Bicycle Tire

I’m going to do a more indepth health update in the next week or so when the heart monitor and blood test results come back, for now however my symptoms seem to be improving a tiny bit. Sadly my mobility is still not great, I’m finding it really hard to balance and stay standing. It’s so easy to fall into this viscious cycle, unable to do anything because of fatigue, which causes my joints to become deconditioned (become weakend and more painful). Physiotherapy to help my weak joints makes me more fatigued, then I struggle to get out of bed and the whole cycle repeats. The good news is that I got some new nausea meds the other day and they seem to be working well! I’m starting getting a bit of energy back. (Not having quite so many naps at any rate.) For now at least the action plan is still to give my body all the time it needs to rest and recover,we’ll just have to wait and see how long that takes.


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